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ICOP-L2 – Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOP-L2)

5 juin 2024 - 7 juin 2024

Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOP-L2) conferences aim to bring together researchers sharing a socially and interactionally situated view of language use, L2 learning and L2 interactional competence development. We hereby invite researchers at all career levels who draw on the principles of ethnomethodology, (multimodal) conversation analysis, membership categorization analysis, usage-based linguistics and related approaches to present their research on how L2/multilingual speakers engage in sense-making practices, how they accomplish language learning and teaching in and through multimodal interaction, how they develop their multimodal L2/multilingual interactional competence, and what they learn as they do so.

These are the main strands of the conference, but we are open to other contributions that cover interactional competences and L2 practices:

  • L2/multilingual interactional competence and its development
  • Multilingual interaction and L2 learning in classrooms and in the wild
  • Multimodality and materiality in L2/multilingual interactional competence across settings and across time
  • Multimodality and multilingualism in L2 teaching in and through interaction
  • Technologically mediated interaction, learning and teaching
  • Assessment of L2/multilingual interactional competence
  • The grammar-body interface in L2/multilingual interaction, learning and teaching
  • L2/multilingual interactional competence in professional settings, including L2 teacher education and development

Keynote speakers:

Olcay Sert, Mälardalen University

Kristian Mortensen, University of Southern Denmark

Klara Skogmyr-Marian, Stockholm University

Hanh T. Nguyen, Hawai’i Pacific University


Pre-conference workshops (June 4-5, 2024):

Three pre-conference workshops, aimed especially but not exclusively at young researchers, will provide hands-on training in transcribing and visualizing interactional video-data (workshop 1), in analyzing the role of materiality in multilingual, interactional data (workshop 2), and in opening the doors of institutional language learning and teaching environments to the outside world (workshop 3). It is possible to attend all three workshops. Registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis.


Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3
Data visualization and transcription

This workshop tackles data visualization and transcription issues faced by interaction analysts working with video-data. By way of introduction, Johannes Wagner will go through the history of our field and show how the development of analytic understandings, methods and tools for data-representation has been driven by an expansion into new types of data.

Then, the workshop will split into two parallel hands-on workshops, one led by Jacob Davidsen (JD) and one led by Nathalie Schümchen (NS). JD will introduce DOTE, a recently designed transcription software for video-data, and try out its functions with the workshop participants. NS will discuss and show ways to visualize movement and aspects of materiality in and alongside transcription of bodily and verbal resources.

Facilitators: Johannes Wagner (University of Southern Denmark), Jacob Davidsen (Aalborg University), Nathalie Schümchen (Tampere University).

Materiality of interaction

This workshop focuses on ways in which materiality (e.g., objects, spaces, and physical environments) matters for the progressivity of interaction in L2 and multilingual contexts. We will explore the role of materiality in organizing co-operative action (Goodwin 2018, Day & Wagner 2019) and analyze examples from a range of contexts (e.g., workplace settings, cooking classes, and different physical activities). The workshop will be interactive and give newcomers to multimodal CA a chance to present and discuss examples from their own data with the aim of easing their way into a complex analytical area that is gaining interest in our field. A selection of pre-readings will also be discussed.

Facilitator: Niina Lilja (Tampere University)

Rewilding language education

This workshop discusses an approach that interfaces formal education with the exploration of and participation in more naturalistic communicative contexts, coupled with feedback and instructor mediation. “Rewilding” language education involves reverse engineering from studies of learning in the wild to augment and restore a diversity of real-world activities and interactional affordances into instructional curricula. The “rewilding approach” to instructed language education addresses the challenge of how to dynamically integrate formal learning settings with the vibrancy and diversity of linguistic, experiential, and situational contexts out in the world. The workshop will lay out the epistemological foundations of rewilding education before moving on to discussing examples and issues brought into the workshop by participants.

Facilitator: Steve Thorne (Portland State University)


Submission Guidelines:

The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2023. Submissions should be made through the conference website (TBA).

Individual papers:

Paper presentations will be allocated a maximum of 30 minutes, including questions, following the typical “20+10” format. The maximum length of the abstracts for individual paper proposals (for one or more authors) is 300 words, excluding references. There is a limit of one first-authored paper per person.  ​

Panel proposals (colloquia):

Limited places will be allocated to two-hour panels (colloquia), which are centered around a theme related to the conference. A colloquium proposal should include an abstract (500 words max), describing the theme and outlining how the individual contributions illuminate the theme. Abstracts of the individual presentations (300 words max) must be included in the same submission in the proposed order of presentation. Organizer(s) are responsible for managing the time (two hours) allocated to the full colloquium and to each presentation. In case of more colloquium proposals than can be accommodated in the programme, the individual abstracts may be considered for inclusion in the conference as paper or poster presentations.


There will be time slots dedicated to poster presentations. The maximum length of the abstracts for posters should be 300 words, excluding references. Abstracts should clearly describe the methodology, context, the kinds of data used, and analytic findings.

Important dates:

September 1, 2023          Submission opening

December 1, 2023           Submission deadline

February 1, 2024              Notification of acceptance/rejection

February 15, 2024            Registration opens

April 15, 2024                    Registration deadline

June 4-5, 2024                   Pre-conference workshops

June 5-7, 2024                   Conference

New in 2024: ICOP-L2 will be held back-to-back with the 5th edition of the thematically related international conference series Thinking, doing, learning: Usage based perspectives on second language learning. Information about this and other conference-related matters (abstract submission, registration, programme etc.) and news will be announced on

You can also follow us on Twitter: @icopL2 and sign-up to our email list:


Début :
5 juin 2024
Fin :
7 juin 2024
Catégorie d’Évènement:
Site :


University of Southern Denmark, Kolding