Volume 28 n°1 de la revue Alsic
Amélie Cellier, Eugénie Duthoit, Cristelle Cavalla and Frédérique Freund
– Rubrique Recherche
Guilène Révauger and Flavie Rident “I, too”, shall have to prompt? A study of EFL students and their unmonitored use of GenAI in the completion of an imitation task in poetry
Kossi Seto Yibokou, Alex Boulton, Carmenne Kalyaniwala and Marc Schires Spontaneous use of Generative Artificial Intelligence and influence on collaborative learner writing
– Rubrique Pratiques et Recherche
Stéphanie Roussel and Maëlle Ochoa
Taegan Holmes and Marie-Josée Hamel
Analyse des interactions d’apprenants de FLS avec ChatGPT pour la rétroaction corrective écrite